No wonder cats have the most desirable eyes that a girl longs for! Have you been trying out winged eyes with waterproof matte liquid eyeliner lately? We understand if you found it messy. Tag along, we are sure you'll get it right.
The perfect winged eyes you've been trying using Waterproof Matte Liquid Eyeliner
Be it sketching a design on a white sheet or on an eye, it's an art. The intricacy of a wing with waterproof matte liquid eyeliner is tricky. But there are ways you can vouch with Praush Beauty!
Way 1: Free hand wing

Source: Pinterest
The method requires your elbows to be placed on a flat surface for a flexible hand move.
- On the outer edge of your eye, using a pencil eyeliner, draw an extended line. It must be at some angle to the eyebrow of a length you like to have.
- Start from the line end, to draw a slightly curved line that flicks towards the inner eye. As you approach the end ensure the line is thin.
- Move the liner in the flow to draw the line on the upper lash line.
- With an outline ready, now run along to fill the gap in between the wing.
- Use the best waterproof matte liquid eyeliner to trace the wing you created. It'll give your wing a bold, and smooth look.
Way 2: Wing using tape
Source: pinterest
If the free-hand method got you messy, try the tape method for your wing. All you need is cellophane to start
- Cut the cello tape 2 cm in length to stick on the outer edge of your eye. Ensure to place it at some angle.
- Using that as a guide, draw a wing of a length you'd like to have.
- Following the line's edge continue to draw the line on the upper eyelash line.
- And finally, remove the tape to enjoy the wingy look!
Way 3: Wing with an angled eyeliner brush

A brush specifically designed to get the winged look. It will give the best output by using it wet.
- Use the best waterproof matte liquid eyeliner on the angled brush. Now draw an angled line on the outer edge
- Now use the brush to draw another extended line at an angle to the previous line. This line must extend toward the inner edge of the eye.
- Following which draw the line on the upper lash to complete the outline.
- It's time to fill the gap in the wing that is created for a perfect look.
Way 4: Wing that's drawn with a spoon
Source: Pinterest
You wouldn't have wondered, a spoon could help you in drawing wings ever right? Here's how it's done.
- On the outer edge of your eye, place the handle of the spoon at an angle. Using that as a guide, draw an extended line for the wing.
- Cup your eyelid with the spoon's round portion and use that to draw a curved line.
- Extending the same, finish the line on the upper lash. And fill the gap in the wing.
- The final outlook of a wing from a spoon is out there in your eyes.
While trying your way with a winged look, ensure to use the best waterproof matte liquid eyeliner. It'll induce the striking bold and smooth finish that you'd want to bring in the makeup.
Wrapping up
Winged eyeliner has gained popularity for its dramatic look. In the blog, we've discussed 4 common ways to get it done with Waterproof Matte Liquid Eyeliner. Winged eye look will sooner be at your fingertips by practicing the ways you are comfortable with.