With its professional quality microfiber beauty blender , Plume Beauty, which was introduced in 2019 with the intent of bridging the market gap for professional makeup products that suits YOU at reachable prices, earned a name for itself in the Indian Beauty market.

Continuous research and development helped us succeed. It earned a huge amount of love and recommendations from beauty enthusiasts and artists across the country who were among the product's early adopters. We received a ton of love and started to expand to different product categories keeping in mind the premium quality and the luxurious vibe.

We retained its competitive edge, which is one of the reasons why its products secured a permanent position in enthusiast’s vanities and professional artists continue to recommend it by their own volition to this day!
In January 2023, With the spark to create a unique identity, give a more premium vibe to the brand & to add luxuriousness to the shopping experience, the brand is being reignited as PRAUSH.
Praush feels opulent and elite, much like our products do.
Though the name has been changed, rest assured the quality, the products, packaging and the trust remains the same!

Now go, grab your favorites from www.praushbeauty.com and share your experience.
Happy shopping!